Barbielicious Bouquet
Barbielicious Bouquet
Barbie Pinks Galore with this fun and feminine bouquet of Roses in Pink Floyd and Shimmer with Sakura Peach Chrysanthemums, double petal Gerberas and foliage.
Not available from 13 Feb to 15 Feb.
Pictured here in Premium Size.
Price includes delivery. Order before 4pm for next day delivery before 6pm.
Please note, every effort will be taken to ensure the item you have selected is similar to what is pictured. However, sometimes there is no helping Mother Nature and some flowers may not be readily available. In this case, we will substitute flowers, keeping the integrity of the design. One of our friendly team will contact you if the selection is too different or unavailable.
This arrangement has been photographed at the Premium Size.Please note that the other arrangements will be sized accordingly.